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New news site by Delimiter aims to lift the quality of journalism in Australian IT

I have always been a fan of independent operators and I like the freelancing model that allows journalists to pursue ideas, pitch them and then write stories that provide insights. The new digital era has brought with it many challenges to traditional journalism including the fact that now anyone can publish content cheaply, the popularity of an article is directly proportional to the number of cats picture, attention spans are shorter than ever, and publishers compete to appeal to the lowest common denominator in a vicious cycle that continues to find new levels of inanity.

I was particularly excited to learn of Delimiter’s decision to go against this trend by developing a new site that plans to deliver one signficant article each week that probes into what the editor considers the biggest issue of the week in Australian IT. The site, delimiter2, requires a subscription of $9.95 per month, which I think is a no-brainer, especially in the context of it supporting a small business fighting against the trend towards mediocrity that aids the downward spiral of journalism.

My only real concern about the site is the ambitious nature of the requirement to write one high-quality article that analyses the news story every week. I hope it is kept up – perhaps guest articles may be considered.

Nevertheless, it is a worthy vision and I urge all the Australian IT professionals, and those who have an interest in Australian IT to subscribe.